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asked March 12th 2015

Easy Chocolate Wedding Style Cake

I love last weeks lesson and as I happen to be making a cake for my friends birthday this weekend. I have decided to go with Paul’s easy chocolate cake. I however noticed in Paul’s tutorial ,when making the Ganache sauce that the quantity written in the ingredients list is different from Paul’s measurements. I have never made a chocolate sauce and I don’t want to ruin this cake. Can someone please tell me which measurements to follow when making the sauce. Many thanks for your help.


I love last weeks lesson and as I happen to be making a cake for my friends birthday this weekend. I have decided to go with Paul’s easy chocolate cake. I however noticed in Paul’s tutorial ,when making the Ganache sauce that the quantity written in the ingredients list is different from Paul’s measurements. I have never made a chocolate sauce and I don’t want to ruin this cake. Can someone please tell me which measurements to follow when making the sauce. Many thanks for your help.


Hi NikNak42

The written recipe is half the amount of the verbal recipe except for the chocolate which has remained the same.
The written recipe says 3.35 pounds of chocolate and the verbal recipe says 1.520g which is excatly the same thing.
If I was using this particular recipe, I would go with the verbal as heard on the video. If you have some ganache left over it can be frozen just like the regular ganache. It will also set so if you wanted to use it as a filling you can on another project. It’s a win, win situation. I’ll make the support team aware so the written recipe can be rectified.
Hope this helps. x


Thank you MIWL. Hopefully it will turn out well. Much appreciated.


You’re welcome NikNak42. I make this type of cake all the time because we’re not fond of sugarpaste. My recipe is high gloss but completely different to this one. If your glaze goes a bit lumpy like Paul’s did, don’t touch it with a spatula because it will become messy and lose it’s gloss. Just use your hair drier from a short distance on the lowest setting and gently melt the chocolate smooth. Don’t get too close to the cake as the chocolate will burn, we don’t want that! Hope all goes well, you’re always doing nice things for your friends. x

Ps I just had a good look at the tutorial. Paul is seen using a whole tube of glucose 140g which tells me the video recipe is the correct one.


Thank you MIWL. Actually it’s a surprise she doesn’t know am doing it and she loves chocolate. Plus I wanted to try something new and I love this cake. It’s really lovely. Would you mind sharing your recipe? If it’s not a problem. Many thanks for your help.

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