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Eggless cake
Hi I have been asked to make a 3eggless but it must be eggless due to allergies – any good recipes?
Hi I have been asked to make a 3eggless but it must be eggless due to allergies – any good recipes?
Hi Mfoulke, have a look at the question on EGG FREE on this site, there is a link which might be useful to you. Just put it in the search box and it should come up. The site on the link has egg free cake mixes and they also have a youtube channel. Hope this helps.
Hi Mfoulkes, I have used this recipe for the past 15 years, it never fails.
225g S.R.four, 2 teasp. baking powder, 175g dark brown sugar, 1 heaped tbsp cocoa powder, 6 tbsp. veg/corn oil, 225ml water, 1 teasp. vanilla extract.
oven 18O*C two 20cm tins
Sift flour, baking powder, cocoa and sugar into large bowl, stir in oil, water and extract. mix well pour into greased tins, bake for 20 minutes. Enjoy
Scooby, by any chance do you have an eggless non chocolate cake recipe? Also how high does each cake in your recipe become? I have a great chocolate cake eggless recipe, but it doesn’t get as high as the version with eggs.