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asked July 14th 2012

FairyCake – covered with Ganache


As i intend to make the fairy cake which is shown in the video and its covered by Ganache. so i want to know whether the choco ganache will remain firm even when i remove it form the freeze to cover it with fondant , will it not start melting and how do i get the ganache to that spreadable consistancy, please help me by answering my queries.






As i intend to make the fairy cake which is shown in the video and its covered by Ganache. so i want to know whether the choco ganache will remain firm even when i remove it form the freeze to cover it with fondant , will it not start melting and how do i get the ganache to that spreadable consistancy, please help me by answering my queries.





the chocolate in the ganache will start to set making it firm. The best to use is dark chocolate but if your making it with milk or white the chocolate to cream ratio is higher.  I make my ganache and leave it in the fridge overnight to set. I then take it out and put it in the micro for 10 seconds at a time till I feel it’s the right consistency for me to work with. Youl start to notice the consistency changing when it starts to set it becomes thicker. If it sets too quickly just pop in the micro again.


You can also use a pretty piping tube and pipe flowers with the ganache. The ganache will set whether you have it in or out of the fridge.


Thanks for the reply and support

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