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Fake Blood
Hi everyone, I have to do a gruesome cake for someone and I’m not sure what to use for fake blood. They want it running down the sides of the cake and around the bottom. As I have to transport it, it would have to be something that is not runny. I am from Australia. Can anyone help? Many thanks.
Hi everyone, I have to do a gruesome cake for someone and I’m not sure what to use for fake blood. They want it running down the sides of the cake and around the bottom. As I have to transport it, it would have to be something that is not runny. I am from Australia. Can anyone help? Many thanks.
How about mixing some deep red colour into piping gel? The gel shouldn’t run as it does eventually set, but you can pipe it down to get the effect you want. Experiment with it first on some spare fondant to see whether you like it.
I did a CSI cake a short while ago, I used jam with deep red colour in it, worked very well.
I made a divorce cake with blood dripping down the cake i used red coloured royal icing and made a little runny to help drip and it dries hard so dont need to worry about smudging 🙂
Thanks so much everyone – some great hints there. Greatly appreciated.