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asked April 16th 2013

Fantasy flowers

Can these gorgeous flowers be placed on buttercream? Can you use lemon extract to replace the water as glue, or will the flavor be too strong? For the rose you said make 5 buds, after you placed these 5 you said you were one short. Do you actually make 6. Couldn’t get a clear picture of this finished flower to count them. Thank you. I’m loving these classes!


Can these gorgeous flowers be placed on buttercream? Can you use lemon extract to replace the water as glue, or will the flavor be too strong? For the rose you said make 5 buds, after you placed these 5 you said you were one short. Do you actually make 6. Couldn’t get a clear picture of this finished flower to count them. Thank you. I’m loving these classes!


Sometimes rice paper will absorb grease, I think it will withstand being placed on buttercream which has slightly crusted over first. Undiluted lemon extract is very strong and can cause irritation in the mouth, I use the Nielson-Massey pure lemon extract which is very strong indeed, enough to make the eyes water! It is possible that the flavour would diminish with evaporation once applied but I think I would tread with some caution on that. I would suggest making one or two trial rice paper flowers, use the lemon extract and place the flower on buttercream and see how it fares. I would also have a taste to see whether the lemon taste does irritate. The roses need six centres, Paul made five initially and was short of one which he later made from the left over circles of rice paper he had cut earlier. Hope this helps.


Thanks for the super fast response!


Hi evelynanderson
I’ve made these flowers fantasy cupcakes for a friends baby shower hIgh tea them & used buttercream icing on top of the cupcakes. In my experience if you wait a little while when the buttercream forms a slight crust, you can then place the flowers on top of the cupcakes & the wafer paper won’t absorb the grease of the buttercream. Worked well for me. Hope that helps 🙂

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