Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A
Festive Thistle Cake
Hi great class I’m enjoying her singing. On lesson 12, Where can I get the two white vieners for the leaves? Please!
Hi great class I’m enjoying her singing. On lesson 12, Where can I get the two white vieners for the leaves? Please!
Hello goodygoodies
These are poinsettia leaf veiners, no particular brand has been suggested in the tutorial. The veiners can be purchased online from many suppliers. It’s best to shop around as they do vary in price. To see suppliers and prices google ‘poinsettia leaf veiner’.
Hope this helps.
i sincerely enjoyed her tutorial she is also a good teacher. on lesson 19 do we really need to stick a sugar paste on side top of the cake to secure the florist sugar paste leafs while still use the posy picks? 2ndly, do i need to push the posy pricks deep inside the cake or what? 3rdly, which store can we buy a rich edible metallic gold dust instead of the non edible she uses please?
Hello omo-tee
If you prefer not to use the sugarpaste on the top of the cake you can omit it. Debbie Sheridan used it to give height to the camellia and also to secure the gold wire which she placed on the cake for the purposes of giving drama.
Posy picks are inserted into cake until they sit flush with the icing or as far as the pick can support the flower stem without it falling over or out. For a much clearer look at how to insert the posy pick, watch Paul in the following video, fast forward the lesson until you see him inserting the pick and flower into the cake:
The edible gold paint or dust can be purchased online from various cake decorating supply stores. At present Paul Bradford sugarcraft school has teamed up with CakeStuff. If you purchase from them you will be entitled to discount on your purchases. You can see all the metallic dusts and paints on their site from page 2 onwards here:
Edible paints and dusts state clearly on the pots ‘EDIBLE’.
Hope this helps.