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asked August 9th 2016

Fillings under fondant covered cake.

I made some coconut cake, wanted to cover it in fondant ,but don’t know what ganache would go or if that is suitable. What kind of covering should i use. Choclate ganache sounds like it won’t go . Please suggest. Do you have a list of common or popular flavourings that match popular cake flovours you could give. Choclate ganache or white choclate ganache may clash with some cake flavours, so what could you use that is stable under fondant covered cake. I have heard that butter cream would not be as stable especially in warm weather.


I made some coconut cake, wanted to cover it in fondant ,but don’t know what ganache would go or if that is suitable. What kind of covering should i use. Choclate ganache sounds like it won’t go . Please suggest. Do you have a list of common or popular flavourings that match popular cake flovours you could give. Choclate ganache or white choclate ganache may clash with some cake flavours, so what could you use that is stable under fondant covered cake. I have heard that butter cream would not be as stable especially in warm weather.


Hi qvkake

If you want to use buttercream, try Paul’s recipe with added ganache and select some lovely flavoured icing sugars from Sugar and Crumbs or Squire’s kitchen. I made it for the buttercream quantity chart which is here: http://www.cakeflix.com/buttercream-covering-and-filling-guide
Paul’s recipe can be found here:

Making and using buttercream

There are a few ideas on the site for flavours and fillings, take a peek here:
Click on the threads most relevant to you.

More flavour filling ideas which can be used either with ganache or buttercream:

Hope this helps. Please post again if you need more information.


I make a coconut sponge and soak it with a fresh lime juice and white rum syrup then it’s filled with lime buttercream and coated in white chocolate ganache – it’s one of my most popular wedding flavours over the summer period.

Hope that helps,
Yvonne x


Thanks for your replies. Just wanted to ask yvonne90 if she could give recipe for lime juice and white rum syrup and her lime buttercrem. Would be greatly appreciated.


Of course, no problem at all. I use the juice of 1 lime (I run it through a strainer to remove any pulpy bits) and then weigh how much juice there is (it’s usually around 35g). Then I add double the amount of sugar in a pan (70g) and heat gently until all the sugar is dissolved. I then transfer it to a jar and stir in 35g of white rum and once it’s cooled down I keep it refridgerated (unless I’m using it the same day).

For the lime buttercream, for every 250g butter/500g icing sugar I use 2 teaspoons of lime extract (I use Beau or LoRann). I have made it before with fresh lime juice (and I do for my alcoholic cupcakes) but the amount of juice you need to get the zingy flavour makes the icing very soft and if you’re not careful it can sometimes curdle so for bigger cakes I find it more reliable/stable to use an extract.

Hope that helps,
Yvonne x

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