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asked February 6th 2016

Flavoured ganache – Adding fresh raspberries

Flavoured ganache – Adding fresh raspberries

I was wanting to make a chocolate cake with a chocolate ganache but I was wondering if it is possible to add fresh raspberries to the in-between layers of ganache? (I’m not a fan of cakes that are too chocolatey)

I also want to cover the cake with fondant. This will be my first time….

Am I allowed to do this??



Flavoured ganache – Adding fresh raspberries

I was wanting to make a chocolate cake with a chocolate ganache but I was wondering if it is possible to add fresh raspberries to the in-between layers of ganache? (I’m not a fan of cakes that are too chocolatey)

I also want to cover the cake with fondant. This will be my first time….

Am I allowed to do this??



Hi Lisa

Fresh fruit inside cakes can be used as long as the cake is kept refrigerated and consumed either on day of filling or very shortly afterwards. The problem with fresh fruit is that it can begin to go mouldy inside the cake. It’s not a risk worth taking. What you can do is make a preserve by boiling the fruit up in the same way as you would make jam and use it in between the layers.
Ganache can also be flavoured by making a puree reduction of the fruit.
To make the puree boil up the raspberries with 10% sugar weight of the fruit, a splash of water and bring it to the boil. Reduce it down to half it’s original weight, stir to prevent sticking and burning. Once the mixture is reduced, sieve it to remove all the little pips and add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of salt to restore a nice sharp taste to the puree. Cool the puree, weigh it and use it to replace half the cream for the ganache in your recipe. Use it as filling, not for crumb coating.
Alternatively, if you don’t want all the bother of making preserve or reductions, there are some really good commercially made purees which can be purchased in supermarkets or online from cake decorating suppliers like Squire’s kitchen. Sainbury’s supermarket has a lovely inexpensive range of purees which you’ll find in the same aisle as custard powders and jellies.

Hope this helps.

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