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asked October 24th 2013

flavouring fondant

Hi guys
I was wondering does anyone know if i add some chocolate flavouring to white fondant will it change the colour of the fondant from white? If so, is there any brands out there that won’t? Also how much of the concentrated flavouring should I use? I don’t want the fondant going all sticky?
Thanks guys


Hi guys
I was wondering does anyone know if i add some chocolate flavouring to white fondant will it change the colour of the fondant from white? If so, is there any brands out there that won’t? Also how much of the concentrated flavouring should I use? I don’t want the fondant going all sticky?
Thanks guys


Hi lillyc

As far as I know all chocolate flavouring will cause some colour change to white icing. Experiment a little on some spare fondant. If you’re using LorAnne oil flavouring be careful as it is very strong, start with quarter of a teaspoon and taste to see it’s strength. Easy method buy Renshaws white chocolate flavoured icing http://www.squires-shop.com/uk/product/sugarpaste-white-chocolate-flavour Most local cake decorating stores carry it.

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