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asked March 15th 2014

Flavouring white chocolate ganache

Hi everyone. I love ganaching my cakes as I prefer the finish it gives to the cakes. The problem I have is that most people don’t want white chocolate ganache with vanilla cake. I too am not keen on the taste of white choc ganache. I was wondering if it was possible to flavour it with vanilla to make it taste more like the vanilla buttercream filling? I’m not sure if it will taste too sweet though as white chocolate is very sweet to start off with. I’m probably going to experiment with it myself but just wondered if anyone had any thoughts. Thanks in advance.


Hi everyone. I love ganaching my cakes as I prefer the finish it gives to the cakes. The problem I have is that most people don’t want white chocolate ganache with vanilla cake. I too am not keen on the taste of white choc ganache. I was wondering if it was possible to flavour it with vanilla to make it taste more like the vanilla buttercream filling? I’m not sure if it will taste too sweet though as white chocolate is very sweet to start off with. I’m probably going to experiment with it myself but just wondered if anyone had any thoughts. Thanks in advance.


Hello jrj

Have a peek here http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/white-chocolate-ganache-flavouring and also here http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/ganachefilling-combination-suggestions more here
http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/ganache-test and here http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/ganache-help
If it helps, you’ll find a ganache chart here http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-ganache-cakes-without-gnashing-your-teeth
If you put in the above search box ‘ganache’ you’ll eventually come across lots of other suggestions. Ganache is the most discussed topic in Q & A sooner or later you’ll catch sight of something which you is of interest to you. Alternatively you could make white chocolate vanilla butter cream which tastes just like ice cream and is less cloying than white ganache. Paul has recipes here http://www.cakeflix.com/free-online-cake-decorating-courses#course-breakdown-and-links
Hope some of this helps, happy ganaching!


Thank you very much MIWL. A very helpful answer as always.

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