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asked October 11th 2015

Floating bottle cake

Hello does anyone know if Paul has done a floating bottle cake?? I thought he had but cannot find the search button any more. Is it me or is the web site harder to find anything now??
Regards Glen


Hello does anyone know if Paul has done a floating bottle cake?? I thought he had but cannot find the search button any more. Is it me or is the web site harder to find anything now??
Regards Glen


Hi Glen

Paul doesnot have a floating bottle cake. tutorial. However another member on the site has seen one on Craftsy, but it’s not a tutorial. The creator of that cake has explained in the comments how she made it. You can see the cake here:
The inspiration for that cake came from this tutorial:

When searching this site for past questions click on the white magnifying glass/spyglass to open the search box and type key words of what you are searching for eg ‘gravity defying cake’. The search engine will take you to all questions on gravity defying cakes on this site. If you want to search for cakes in the tutorial library, click on the different catagories eg if you want a novelty cake, click on the word novelty. This will take you to that section of the library. Scroll up slightly to see novelty cakes. Search again in that section for the cake you are looking for by clicking the spyglass. The search engine appears to be very sensitive to spelling. If you search something like ‘topsie turvey cake ‘ it will show that there is no such tutorial. However, if you search ‘Topsy Turvy Cake’ it recognises the correct spelling as it is entered on the site. It’s just a matter of entering key words that will be recognise.
If you are having other problems with the navigation please could you email the site with your suggestions on how to improve things which you feel are not working as well as you would like. The technical support team are always looking for ways of improving the site so your feed back would be much appreciate.
Email the site using this form:

Best wishes.

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