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asked September 29th 2012


What is the best bought fondant


What is the best bought fondant


I’ve tried many different fondants ranging from making my own, various supermarket fondants and professional fondants. In my book you can’t beat Tesco’s Fondant Icing – ready to roll, it tastes good, works well and doesn’t cost a fortune, I use it all the time and have my own cake decorating business so do a lot of cakes!


Hi Billie

It’s a matter of taste, there are quite a few to choose from and at all different prices. I think Paul uses Renshaws Regal Ice, but that doesn’t mean it suits everyone. I have tried the supermarket brands and some of the more expensive such as Satin ice (which does taste lovely, but pricy). I finally settled on Renshaws, which I feel is a middle of the range, tastes like fondant should and isn’t outrageously expensive. Paul talks about fondants in the free/beginners section under suppliers.


When I can I buy the 2.5kg packs by PME, I like the taste and it’s easy to work with.
There are so many different brands you’ll just have to try a few and decide what you like. I got some by Wilton recently and I hated the taste of it :o)


Thank you all for your answers much appreciated .


I recently got some samples of satin ice and covapaste sent to me. I don’t know if my samples were stale (they had been cut off a bigger block and wrapped separately) but neither of them smelled very nice and they tasted worse. Very glad I didn’t order big tubs of them!


i love using satin ice . very nice taste nice and ideal for my environs.no regrets

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