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asked April 20th 2015

Fondant iced cake

I have 5 weeks until my daughters wedding, but as I may have to go into hospital I have iced it. How do I stop the fondant from going too hard.


I have 5 weeks until my daughters wedding, but as I may have to go into hospital I have iced it. How do I stop the fondant from going too hard.


Hello jmhutchie

At Christmas time I usually ice my fruit cake about three weeks in advance. The cake doesn’t get eaten well into the new year and the icing remains edible. Fruit cake contains a lot of moisture which permeates into the marzipan and icing keeping them soft. I don’t think you have anything to worry about, if the icing does happen to go a little hard it won’t affect the cake. All icing forms a skin, however the underneath remains soft for a considerable time and the cake continues maturing under the covering. Most people at weddings take the icing off anyway. Store the cakes in cardboard cake boxes or in the stack box and keep them in a cool room away from direct sunlight or radiators. You can go into hospital without any worries about your cakes. Hope all goes well with your hospital stay and with your daughter’s wedding. Best wishes to you.


Thank you. Hoping not to go into hospital before wedding, but this is making sure she gets a cake just in case I have to go in as an emergency.
I thought that they should be okay, but am panicking slightly as I want her day to be perfect and not have to use a rotary blade to get into the cake lol


Hahaha! your are soo funny!! at least you can retain a good sense of humour considering you have all that worry! I’m sure everything will be perfect. I hope there will be no emergency and everything runs smoothly. I do know how you feel. I’m doing my friends four tier wedding cake in two weeks time while still recovering from a broken leg and ankle which are being held together with plates and screws. Every day is an agonising challenge but the show must go on!! xx

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