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asked August 13th 2013

fondant or gumpaste golf ball

Hi there,
I want to make a golf themed birthday cake, and just tried to make a golf ball with fodant,but it was quite floppy and the surface wasn’t as smooth as I wished it to be. Also the indents ,do I wait until the ball firms up. Has anyone made a golf ball before? Would like it to be nice and round and not wonky. Happy for any advice. And what product is best to use.


Hi, I would make a rice krispies ball so it’s lighter than a ball of gumpaste or a truffle (depending on the size you want it to be), smoothen the texture with buttercream and cover it with modelling chocolate, gumpaste or fondant with cmc, the cmc will help the paste be elastic and dry faster. They’re usually shiny so maybe you want to apply glaze (like in the shoe Paul made) so the surface reflects the light.


Hi lola88

I would definitely use gum paste or modelling chocolate. Fondant is too soft and takes ages to dry and also can lose shape when left to relax. There’s a tutorial here http://www.wilton.com/idea/Its-Tee-Off-Time Scroll down until you get to the part which covers golf balls.


I would make round truffles cover with modelling choc or fondant with cmc powder and use a meat tenderiser to make the texture


Wow lot’s of ideas I didn’t even think of Thank you very much…

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