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asked May 27th 2019

Foxglove Flowers


Can somebody please help with advice on what icing tip I should use to pipe a foxglove for a Peter Rabbit cake please? I have searched online to no avail. Alternatively how can I make one out of sugar paste please?

Many thanks



Can somebody please help with advice on what icing tip I should use to pipe a foxglove for a Peter Rabbit cake please? I have searched online to no avail. Alternatively how can I make one out of sugar paste please?

Many thanks


Hi bellescakes

Usually, a round tip to make a teardrop shape is sufficient for depicting foxgloves or any bell-shaped flowers. However, here is a gorgeous tutorial by the Little Cherry Cake Company which I think is what you’re looking for:

If you want to make gumpaste foxgloves, take a peek here:

Foxgloves sugar flower tutorial | CakeFlix

Hope suggestions help. X 🙂


Hi madeitwithlove

Thanks very much, I will take a look at this right now.



Hi again madeitwithlove

Just watched the video link and it’s absolutely perfect. I hadn’t realised it would be so easy to make foxgloves. I imagined I’d have had to pipe the with royal icing. Thanks again.

Hope you are keeping well.


Pleased you found the link helpful. There’s always a speedy way to do these things if botanical correctness isn’t necessary. Many years ago, I learned to make lots of tiny piped royal icing flowers straight onto the cake. Now I can’t squeeze the bag let along hold it still. I’m plodding along though, thank you. Hope you are well too 🙂 xx


Hi again madeitwithlove

Thanks yes t he link was very helpful indeed. The royal iced flowers you mentioned would have been lovely I’m sure. I remember being so pleased that the roses I managed to pipe from royal icing onto an icing nail looked so good! What a nuisance that you can no longer manage to squeeze the bag. It’s fantastic though that sugar paste is around as it’s so easy to use.

Thanks I’m well just as busy as ever with cake baking for the family. but it’s great to see their faces when they see the finished product. xx

Take care.


Lovely to hear your news! Keep going xx and don’t be a stranger ??

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