Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked October 14th 2012

Franchising Paul Bradford Designer Cakes

Hi Paul or David

In one of your past emails (I think just when pro membership was going live) you mentioned the future possibility of franchising Paul Bradford Designer Cakes. Is this something you are still intending to introduce and if so, when would this likely to be and what would be involved?

Many thanks


Hi Paul or David

In one of your past emails (I think just when pro membership was going live) you mentioned the future possibility of franchising Paul Bradford Designer Cakes. Is this something you are still intending to introduce and if so, when would this likely to be and what would be involved?

Many thanks


Hi Jcarpel,

For anything related to the business side of things, David is the man to speak to. The Q&A is really just for all things cake. His email address is [email protected].

Many thanks,

[email protected]

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