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asked June 28th 2015

Freeze a Gnashed cake

Hi I’ve got quite a lot of cakes and wedding cakes to make this summer so I was wondering how to prepare and store Gnashed cakes in the freezer
Thanks becks


Hi I’ve got quite a lot of cakes and wedding cakes to make this summer so I was wondering how to prepare and store Gnashed cakes in the freezer
Thanks becks


Hello Becks

Once the ganached cake has set in the fridge, wrap in a few layers of cling film, put that in a few carrier bags. The more layers of protection you have the better to help prevent freezer burn. Ideally store you wrapped cake(s) on a tray or in a box to protect them from knocks.
I usually defrost at room temperature overnight the night before I want to decorate. I unwrap completely whilst frozen and cover in a fresh layer of clingfilm so that the film doesn’t stick to the ganache once defrosted. If there is any condensation on the ganache, this disappears once you have left unwrapped for a little while.
Hope this helps. Good luck with your wedding cakes!


Hi Becks

There are also many more answers on site on this topic. To see them type in the search box ‘freezing ganached cake’. To open the search box click on the white magnifying glass where is say Q & A in big white letters.

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