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asked March 9th 2015

Freeze Dried Raspberries

Hi, Does anyone have any experience of working with freeze dried raspberries. Specifically I want to make a white chocoalte and raspberry cake but don’t want to use fresh raspberries. Can anyone tell me how to work out the equivalent measurement from fresh to freeze dried please? Many thanks Louise


Hi, Does anyone have any experience of working with freeze dried raspberries. Specifically I want to make a white chocoalte and raspberry cake but don’t want to use fresh raspberries. Can anyone tell me how to work out the equivalent measurement from fresh to freeze dried please? Many thanks Louise


Hi maitlka

I use freeze dried raspberry powder. Although on the packet there is a recommended amount I use a whole packet for a 10″ cake for a tart taste and fill with white chocolate ganache. Whole fruit becomes rehydrated once it’s mixed in with the other ingredients so I should think it will taste much like it’s fresh counterpart or perhaps slightly deeper as a result of the flavour being preserved. How much you use would be dependent on the size of your cake and whether you like a real sour taste.
This is the product I use, it’s really good but slightly expensive:
Hope this helps.

ps I should say the powder has to be made into a paste first before incorporating with the cake batter and it will be much more sour than whole berries.


I have a similar question – I bought some freeze dried raspberries (not powder btw) and am unsure how to use them.
Can I stir them through butter cream?


I should think so because the moisture in the buttercream will eventually rehydrate them. Make a small batch up as a trial, you’ll be sure then. I wouldn’t reconstitute them in water first because it’s possible this would mean treating them like fresh fruit and may make them suscepible to mould growth. Hopefully other members who have used whole freeze dried fruits will comment. I must try some!

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