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asked April 11th 2013

Freezing Sugarveil

Does anyone know if you can freeze leftover Sugarveil mix? Thanks x


Does anyone know if you can freeze leftover Sugarveil mix? Thanks x


We are at Cake International next to the sugarveil stand so I will go ask and post the answer later Mx


Hi doodlecake

I’ve asked the Sugarveil people and the answer is ‘No’, however they did say it can be stored in the fridge for up to 10 days. Make some thing else with it doodlecake and store the decoration away to use on another project. xx


Thanks so much for finding out! Making something else and keeping it was my original plan but I’ve now discovered that when it dries completely it just crumbles when you touch it. I might try freezing it anyway and see what happens x

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