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Friendly dragon cake stand
Hello! I was looking for the download of the cake stand dimensions for the friendly dragon cake and I can not find it in your page. Is there somewhere else that can look for it? Thank you!!
Hello! I was looking for the download of the cake stand dimensions for the friendly dragon cake and I can not find it in your page. Is there somewhere else that can look for it? Thank you!!
Hi Mmarisel,
It looks like its in the “course notes” tab. We are working a new layout as we know this kind of thing is not easy to spot.
When you click the link it will open the image up then if you right click and go open in new tab. The image should then open in a new tab. If you then mouse over the image your mouse pointer should turn into a zoom tool. If you zoom in you will make the image full size then if you right click again and go save image as you will get the full to scale “no pun intended” image.
I know this is RUBBISH! I’ll fix it on Monday but that should be a work around for now.
Have a great weekend.
Paul Doffman
Customer Support
Hi mmarisel
The dimensions are 8″ round body and the head as the template appears. It can be downloaded from the tutorial. The other dimensions are written on the template.