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Fruit cakes.
Hello me again. Just been asked for my first fruit cake. I’ve got a great recipe but I’m unsure on the decorating of it? Can I ganache a fruit cake or do I need to do something else?
Hello me again. Just been asked for my first fruit cake. I’ve got a great recipe but I’m unsure on the decorating of it? Can I ganache a fruit cake or do I need to do something else?
Hello Lisajl
Fruit cakes can be ganched certainly. However the shelf life of the ganache will drastically reduce the keeping time of the cake. Fruit cakes can be kept for months properly stored in an airtight tin when decorated in the tradional way. Normally a fruit cake is prepared with marzipan and icing. If you don’t want to use marzipan a first cover of icing can be used instead to smooth out all the flaws. For information on how to prep a fruit cake for decorating take a peek here:
If you type in the search box ‘fruit cake’ you’ll see pages and pages of related Q & A s You may find these useful if you haven’t decorated fruit cakes before. If you need more information just post again.