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asked November 9th 2015

Ganache (chocolate)

Hi Paul!
My name is Marilia and first of all let me congratulate you and your team for the great job! Love the courses and they are really helpful.
I have a question regarding the chocolate ganache. In some recipes of chocolate ganache, they use as well butter as one of the ingredients but you don’t use it at all. Is there a reason why we should or shouldn’t use it? They say they use the little amount of butter to make the ganache shine.
Thanks in advance for your reply!


Hi Paul!
My name is Marilia and first of all let me congratulate you and your team for the great job! Love the courses and they are really helpful.
I have a question regarding the chocolate ganache. In some recipes of chocolate ganache, they use as well butter as one of the ingredients but you don’t use it at all. Is there a reason why we should or shouldn’t use it? They say they use the little amount of butter to make the ganache shine.
Thanks in advance for your reply!


Hi Marilia

I’ve noticed that you asked your question in another thread. Please take a peek here for the answer:

Can you use Buttercream on top of Chocolate ganache?

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