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asked September 26th 2014

ganache in room temp

Does ganache stay set at room temp. I have never ganached a cake and my fondant cakes dont do well with the moisture in my fridge and freezer. So i wanted to know…compared to buttercream does ganache set up or “harden” enough to make those sharp edges when sitting at room temp?


Does ganache stay set at room temp. I have never ganached a cake and my fondant cakes dont do well with the moisture in my fridge and freezer. So i wanted to know…compared to buttercream does ganache set up or “harden” enough to make those sharp edges when sitting at room temp?


Hi maggiebug

Ganache sets up at room temperature after several hours. Results will be sharper if you place your cake in the fridge for a short time, say half an hour. Remove the cake from the fridge before you start rolling out the sugarpaste. The cake will have come to room temperature in that time and most of the condensation from the fridge will have dispersed. The chocolate will harden better than butter cream does. If the ganache dries out too much you’ll need to wet it slightly with a moist brush or mist it to help the icing to adhere. Don’t overdo the wetting, however make sure the whole surface is tacky. Dry spots can cause air bubbles which can be difficult to expel.
Cakes with fondant covering shouldn’t really be placed in the fridge or freezer. The moisture invariable destroys the icing. This may be the reason why you’re having a few problems.

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