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Ganache proportion and quantity
Hello following your advice (thank you again!) I’m covering the chocolate wrap cake in dark chocolate ganache. Can you tell me how much ganache I need to cover the sides but not to fill it please? Also the ratio on the video is 1.127kg cream to 1.6kg dark chocolate but on the chart it is 1:2 – which should be used?
Thank you in advance
Hello following your advice (thank you again!) I’m covering the chocolate wrap cake in dark chocolate ganache. Can you tell me how much ganache I need to cover the sides but not to fill it please? Also the ratio on the video is 1.127kg cream to 1.6kg dark chocolate but on the chart it is 1:2 – which should be used?
Thank you in advance
Oops also forgot to ask if it is better to use it straight away or leave it in the fridge over night and then reheat!
Hi Lu
Use the chart because it makes a stronger ganache. Paul’s ratio will make a softer ganache, it will still set but not as hard and would be better suited for filling Make about 20% less if you’re not filling. Personally I just make the whole amount and freeze any left over for another project or roll balls of ganache and dust with cocoa powder for truffles. The ganache can be used straight away if it is a spreadable consistency. If it’s still a little on the loose side pop it in the fridge for ten minutes until it spreads rather than runs. You’ll find it will set very quickly once you start applying onto a cold cake. When the ganache begins to harden in the bowl heat it in the microwave on a low setting for 30 seconds or less, stir it to distribute the heat to prevent it burning. If your ganaache breaks and becomes oily there’s a fix here:
Here’s my chart:
Good luck with your cake. x
Thanks so much MIWL you are certainly helping me to stress a lot less – thank you very much 🙂
You’re welcome Lu. Don’t stress, just post! x
I am very new to this site, have registered a while back but never really came on line.
As well as being new to this site, I am new to making cakes for anyone else other than my immediate family, so a work colleague has asked for me to make a cake for her daughter in shape of a rugby ball, ok so see a receipe for a toffee cake, what kind of filling would you put on this ? Also I intend to make the cake from a 10″ round cake tin, how much ganache would I use and what are the ratio’s for chocolate and cream.
Apologies in advance if its obvious to the regular users of this forum, hopefully I can have some input into the forum once I gain more confidence
Hello fe9427
Welcome to the site. You’ll soon get used to working through the differenct sections, it doesn’t take long. Please make no apologies, we are all here to help one another.
For your toffee cake I answered a similar question some time back which you can see here:
In that link there is a reference to the site shop. That shop no longer exists so the link to it no longer works. Instead I would suggest looking at more flavours here:
For ganache quantites and ratios you’ll find my ganache chart here:
There is a written blog accompanying the chart which may be of interest.
If you would like information on the shelf life of ganache I have a blog here:
Sometimes if ganache has been over heated it can split, become oily and greasy. If this happens to you a fix is on hand here:
To read more comments about greasy or slimey ganache type in the search box ‘oily ganche’ this will take you to other comments.
Ganache is possibly the most discussed topic on the site second to Paul’s moist chocolate cake. To see general discussions type in the search box ‘ganache’ and see what the site community is saying.
If you need more help or information please post again and just enjoy yourself on this wonderful site!
Many thanks for your reply sorry for the delay in replying but had issues with the internet on my phone.
Ok so 1st mistake I have made too much ganache because I had forgotten that the cake was getting carved into a rugby ball shape.
Right so can ganache be frozen ? Not doing another cake until September for a friends birthday and don’t really want to waste it.
sorry meant to ask how long can ganache be frozen for ? x
Ganache can be frozen for up to three months. If you have a lot, it’s best to weigh it out in batches and double wrap in freezer bags. Eject all the air out of the bags before tying and then place in an airtight container for freezing. All this wrapping helps reduce the risk of freezer burn and also protects the chocolate for taking on smells and tastes of other food. Store the ganache well away from strong smells like onion and garlic. Defrost in the bags at room temperature and then place the ganache in a plastic bowl and warm on medium heat in the microwave for 30 seconds . Stir after the 30 seconds, if the ganache is still very hard, warm it in increments of between 15 – 30 seconds on low heat and stir after each warming to distribute the heat through the ganache. Don’t over heat it or stir over vigorously, just bring it to a spreadable consistency. If the ganache becomes oily or grainy use the fix in the previously given link to smooth it out.
For many more related Q & A’s type in the search box ‘freezing ganache’.
Hope your cake turned out well, good luck with your next.