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asked October 9th 2013

Ganache quantities for wedding cake….

Hi, I’m trying to quote for my first official wedding cake and want to try Paul’s ganache – it’s really hard to work out how much I will need to fill and cover each sponge, can anyone who’s done this help me out – eternally grateful. I need amounts for a 12″ 10″ and 8″ round (all about 3″ high). The 12″ and 8″ will be made with white ganache and the 10″ dark….And if anyone wants to point me in the direction of their favorite tried and trusted chocolate that would be fab-u-lous too, thanks so much, Dee


Hi, I’m trying to quote for my first official wedding cake and want to try Paul’s ganache – it’s really hard to work out how much I will need to fill and cover each sponge, can anyone who’s done this help me out – eternally grateful. I need amounts for a 12″ 10″ and 8″ round (all about 3″ high). The 12″ and 8″ will be made with white ganache and the 10″ dark….And if anyone wants to point me in the direction of their favorite tried and trusted chocolate that would be fab-u-lous too, thanks so much, Dee


Hi deeliciousanddvine

You can see a chart here http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-ganache-cakes-without-gnashing-your-teeth
It may also help to read the accompanying blog. Use any good chocolate which you enjoy eating or try Belcolade or Callebaut which are real chocolate and have a much cleaner taste than the less expensive brands.


Hi madeitwithlove – thank you so very much for your reply and steering me to that fab chart and the blog – people like you are so kind. I shall read, take in and sort out – looking forward to having a practice 🙂


You’re welcome Dee, good luck with your ganaching! Try with a less expensive chocolate first. If you’re based in the Uk try supermarket own brands. I use Asda’s dark chocolate which costs £1.00 for 200 g Tesco have their own brand for 89 pence also Sainsbury’s, Lidle and Aldi.
There is a mountain of information on the site for making virtually every aspect of ganache, hints and tips for averting disasters and types of chocolate other members use. Just type in the search box ‘ganache’ and a host of information will be yours to peruse. Here http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/milk-chocolate-ganache-disaster you’ll see comments on how to fix broken ganache, it’s a useful link in an emergency. x

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