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asked May 11th 2014

Ganache set times in fridge

When Paul ganaches a cake, then puts in fridge between applications ie doing sides then in fridge back out and trim, then other sides etc how long does the cake need to stay in fridge before it is hard enough to trim excess? Thanks in advance


When Paul ganaches a cake, then puts in fridge between applications ie doing sides then in fridge back out and trim, then other sides etc how long does the cake need to stay in fridge before it is hard enough to trim excess? Thanks in advance


Hello Mazw

It doesn’t take long. You’ll find dark chocolate will set ever so quickly, even as you’re working on it! Just pop it in the fridge, check after 15 mins for dark. Milk and white chocolate take much longer so check after 30 minutes and go with it if you think it will slice off fairly sharply. Leave it longer if you want it to be firmer but these two never set as hard as the dark.

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