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Ganached cake & fridge
I’ve never tried to ganache before!! I’ve just followed Paul’s tutorial in ganacheing a sponge cake it was much easier than I thought great videos to follow!! However does anyone know if I can keep the Ganached cake in the fridge until it’s covered in sugar icing? If it can then for how long can it be kept in the fridge for? The cake is sealed by the ganache but don’t cake the sponge to dry out!
Thanks in advance 🙂
I’ve never tried to ganache before!! I’ve just followed Paul’s tutorial in ganacheing a sponge cake it was much easier than I thought great videos to follow!! However does anyone know if I can keep the Ganached cake in the fridge until it’s covered in sugar icing? If it can then for how long can it be kept in the fridge for? The cake is sealed by the ganache but don’t cake the sponge to dry out!
Thanks in advance 🙂
Hello Keiko
Cakes do dry out in the fridge but the ganache will protect the sponge for a little while. How long a sponge cake keeps depends on which recipe you are using. Most sponge cakes have a shelf life of approximately five days but if they include ingredients such as cream cheese, milk, yogurt etc the detriora
tion could be sooner. The filling will also determine how long the actual cake will last. Ganache on the other hand will last much longer. As with all food, shelf life is also determined by handling methods, preparation and environmental conditions.
In general sponge cakes last approx five days from baking to eating, madeira cake approx two weeks from baking to eating, chocolate mud cakes depending on recipe can last between five days to ten days.
To learn a little more about the shelf life of ganache take a peek at my blog here:
When storing a ganache cake in the fridge cover it in clingfilm/saran wrap to protect it from moisture and foodie smells.
Hope this helps.