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asked July 10th 2015

Gluten free substitute


Does anyone have a 100% tried and tested gluten free substitute they could recommend. I have a wedding cake order for mid next week and just messaged the client to make sure that everything is ok with the pickup and they have now come back to say they want Gluten free! I don’t have time to do a test bake so would need something I can rely on to work as a perfect substitute in my normal recipes, in this case lemon sponge and Rich Chocolate. The Cake has to travel and I have experienced other gluten free cakes being a lot more fragile than their standard version. I don’t do a lot of gluten free stuff and have only done 1 in the last year.

🙁 any help would be much appreciated.




Does anyone have a 100% tried and tested gluten free substitute they could recommend. I have a wedding cake order for mid next week and just messaged the client to make sure that everything is ok with the pickup and they have now come back to say they want Gluten free! I don’t have time to do a test bake so would need something I can rely on to work as a perfect substitute in my normal recipes, in this case lemon sponge and Rich Chocolate. The Cake has to travel and I have experienced other gluten free cakes being a lot more fragile than their standard version. I don’t do a lot of gluten free stuff and have only done 1 in the last year.

🙁 any help would be much appreciated.



Hi Veebl.
I have the most amazing Gluten-nut-egg and dairy free book cake Celebration Cakes by Gemma Mcfarlane.
I have used many gluten free recipes from this book and it works a treat, the chocolate cake i made is also great for carving into 3D shapes too.
If you would like to email me, i will scan in the recipes and send them to you [email protected] Anna


Hi Veebl

In the past I ‘ve made loads of gluten free cakes but wouldn’t give out a recipe simply because they come out different each time I’ve baked them. On this site type in the search box ‘gluten free’ and you’ll see discussions and recipes. However!! since you don’t have time for a trial cake I would strongly recommend that you buy in from one of the allergy free cake suppliers. This would be a perfectly acceptable thing to do. Paul and David have both recommended this route when pressed for time or if you are unable to guarantee a 100% allergen free product. People who are allergic to gluten have different levels of tolerence so unless you can definitely say your environment is totally free of any airborn glutens it may not be advisable to offer a home made cake. Perhaps take advice from your client on tolerence levels?? Better to be safe than sorry!
To see suppliers of gluten free cakes just google ‘gluten free ready made cake suppliers’. It’s possible Dove Farms supply them too.
Hope this helps Veebl x


Hi Anna & Madeitwithlove,

Thank you both so much for the advice, I have spoken to her and told her that I can’t guarantee gf as I don’t have a gf kitchen, she was totally fine and said the original recipes as discussed will be ok, so think it is more a lifestyle choice rather than requirement.

Anna I will order that book from Amazon as a back up to my regular recipes 🙂

Madeitwithlove I tried searching on here first and got nothing hence my post, I have tried doing the substitution thing on a couple of cakes in the past for friends but they were not my bakes! I hadn’t even thought about buying in, I am such a die hard homemade I completely overlooked that, so thank you for suggesting it.

Really appreciate you both taking the time to help me out. – Much love Victoria xx


You’re very welcome Victoria! Life style gf makes it much more easier for catering. I don’t think many people realise that for true intolerences, offering home made isn’t always so simple. I too am a die hard homemade but sometimes it isn’t possible so best to err on the side of caution.
My son’s ex girl friend is gf, she was a member of our family for a very long time so I had to learn fast to cater for her needs. There are ways to make your kitchen gf but it takes time.
I have several specialist gf recipe cake books formulated with calorific values etc. My most recent one is by Chef Phil Vickery, I haven’t tried any of the recipes yet but the feedback ratings are good.
Good luck with your cakes. Would love to hear feed back from you. xx


Hi Anna & Madeitwithlove,

Thank you both so much for the advice, I have spoken to her and told her that I can’t guarantee gf as I don’t have a gf kitchen, she was totally fine and said the original recipes as discussed will be ok, so think it is more a lifestyle choice rather than requirement.

Anna I will order that book from Amazon as a back up to my regular recipes 🙂

Madeitwithlove I tried searching on here first and got nothing hence my post, I have tried doing the substitution thing on a couple of cakes in the past for friends but they were not my bakes! I hadn’t even thought about buying in, I am such a die hard homemade I completely overlooked that, so thank you for suggesting it.

Really appreciate you both taking the time to help me out. – Much love Victoria xx

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