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Gluten free wedding cakes – both fruit & sponge
Does anyone have a tried & tested gluten free recipe for both a fruit & a sponge cake please?
I’m getting ideas together as have volunteered to make the cake for my son’s wedding in 2016. His fiancĂ© is coeliac and we’ve heard rumours of gluten free cakes collapsing . . . .. . hopefully only rumours!
Any advice gratefully received.
Does anyone have a tried & tested gluten free recipe for both a fruit & a sponge cake please?
I’m getting ideas together as have volunteered to make the cake for my son’s wedding in 2016. His fiancĂ© is coeliac and we’ve heard rumours of gluten free cakes collapsing . . . .. . hopefully only rumours!
Any advice gratefully received.
Hi Nelliham
Please have a peek at the discussions on gluten free here:
I hope some of the information is useful. There is a member recipe in one of those threads and others give good advice and recommendations. However if you still need more help please post again.
Hi Madeitwithlove
Thank you so much for this useful advice. Much appreciated!
Hi Nelliham
I hope you find something in amongst the gluten free thread which may suit. From my experience of approx five years of baking gluten free cakes and pastries, I would advise to start perfecting the recipes well in advance. When I first started baking gf sponge cakes I experimented with lots of different flours and mixing methods. They tend to give different results, obviously depending on the cake. Fruit cakes come out best.
I would definitely recommend looking at some gf books at your local library rather than using recipes from the internet, some of which can be rather hit and miss. Good luck with your cakes!