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asked January 2nd 2016

greasy cake

I made a 12inch sponge cake just before Christmas and still have some left. I have noticed that the sponge is becoming more moist or maybe greasy as opposed to drying out. I used all in one method with equal amounts of flour sugar and stork with half the number of eggs (eg 6,6,6 and 3 eggs) Is this normal?


I made a 12inch sponge cake just before Christmas and still have some left. I have noticed that the sponge is becoming more moist or maybe greasy as opposed to drying out. I used all in one method with equal amounts of flour sugar and stork with half the number of eggs (eg 6,6,6 and 3 eggs) Is this normal?


Hi Helen

An all in one sponge usually stays fresh and fluffy for approximately five days. Thereafter, depending on what the filling is, the fat used in the baking, where and how it is stored, will all influence it’s texture and deterioration rate. You haven’t stated how much before Christmas your cake was baked.
I find cakes made with margarine usually do feel more greasy. Margarine does not contain milk solids the same as butter. It is made up of vegetable fats, water and sometimes milk. At room temperature the oils warm and make the sponge soft and greasy, wheras butter cakes remain firmer. It’s possible your cake is just that tad over it’s best. It’s done well to have lasted this long!

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