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asked February 17th 2014

Greasy cupcake cases

Just wondering how to combat a problem I seem to be repeatedly getting. Every time I bake cupcakes, my cases end up stained in grease? Help what am I doing wrong, my muffin tin is clean & grease free when I put my cases inside?!
Thanks Carly


Just wondering how to combat a problem I seem to be repeatedly getting. Every time I bake cupcakes, my cases end up stained in grease? Help what am I doing wrong, my muffin tin is clean & grease free when I put my cases inside?!
Thanks Carly


I have found, It depends on the cupcake cases you use. Often the more expensive ones can be worse than cheaper ones. I found Morrison’s do a very good cupcake case. Not sure what experience others have had.


I have found Wilkinsons to be quite good and not too bad a price either.


Thank you guys, my cases were quite expensive! I will go and purchase some more tomorrow xx

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