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asked August 14th 2015

Gritty Bauttercream

I am sure you are aware of the changes made recently to Tate&lyle icing sugar, and it doesn’t look as if they are going to change back to the original formula, can you tell me if there is another good brand that will make smooth buttercream, or maybe I will have to make Italian meringue buttercream.

Thank you,
nicky 223


I am sure you are aware of the changes made recently to Tate&lyle icing sugar, and it doesn’t look as if they are going to change back to the original formula, can you tell me if there is another good brand that will make smooth buttercream, or maybe I will have to make Italian meringue buttercream.

Thank you,
nicky 223


Hi nicky223

I don’t use the Tate and Lyle icing sugar and I’m not aware there was a problem with their product. Other makes include Whitworth’s, Silverspoon and supermarket own brands. When I do make buttercream, I use the Whitworth@s or Sainsbury brands with no problems with grittiness. I much prefer meringue buttercream so I guess that would be my suggestion.
Hope this helps.


Hi Nicky
So Tate & Lyle have changed their caking agent to maize starch, persumably as this will be cheaper to manufacture. To be honest with you whilst I am of the change I haven’t noticed a difference with my buttercream – but then again I beat it to within an inch of its life to get it paler……. I do think the maize starch makes a difference to royal icing.

Whitworths still use the old caking agent and I think silver spoon does too. Silver spoon is my favourite but not all supermarkets sell it these days. Morrisons still sell it and you can get it from cake stuff now too.


As for as I am aware they had a problem a while ago, but did change back to their originally recipie as they had complaints. I had a bag of this and it was very difficult to get it through the sieve. My last two 3kg bags have been great.
I may be that it’s an older batch that you have. I have also heard that Sainsburyd own icing sugar is good.


Thank you for your help, I will have to try other brands , I have also made meringue buttercream and think I will make this from now on.
Nicky 233

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