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asked August 2nd 2012

Hibiscus sugar flower

Hi all ,


Just wondering if anyone has ever made a habiscus sugar flower?

Hoping to make a few for cupcake toppers and struggling to work it out!





Hi all ,


Just wondering if anyone has ever made a habiscus sugar flower?

Hoping to make a few for cupcake toppers and struggling to work it out!





Hi Paula

Haven’t got around to making the hibiscus, got waylaid with poppies. There’s a really good youtube tutorial with HappyCakeBakes. If you haven’t got a cutter make a freehand drawing on cardboard and cut it out, use that as a template, or if you have a balloon cutter that’ll do. Use a veining tool or a universal veiner for the veins. I have lots of different veiners and make do. You must have a lot of patience making cupcakes!


Thanks madeitwithlove, Her video is really helpful, I’m excited to get making them now! Luckily i’m only making 9 cupcakes in total but only 3 hibiscus, otherwise i’d be going for a simple rose! haha


Paula,  you’re a better woman than me, I have no time for cupcakes!! Too old and cantankerous!

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