Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked May 7th 2013

Hello Everyone :)

Heya everyone this is not really a question as such, just wanted to introduce myself im Melanie from New Zealand and im pretty new at cake decorating im absolutley loving the tutorials from Paul hes fantastic but wanted to get to know others here on this online community of cakers I would love to meet you all and even see your work if im ever stuck would love to be able to ask a question etc and help anyone if I can do so myself 🙂 so my facebook page of my cakes is http://www.facebook.com/TakeZCake?ref=hl

Thanks for reading this and I hope to meet some more of you here on this site, hope its ok to post this, but really just wanted to say hi to you all and get to know you all, thank you so much 🙂 Mel


Heya everyone this is not really a question as such, just wanted to introduce myself im Melanie from New Zealand and im pretty new at cake decorating im absolutley loving the tutorials from Paul hes fantastic but wanted to get to know others here on this online community of cakers I would love to meet you all and even see your work if im ever stuck would love to be able to ask a question etc and help anyone if I can do so myself 🙂 so my facebook page of my cakes is http://www.facebook.com/TakeZCake?ref=hl

Thanks for reading this and I hope to meet some more of you here on this site, hope its ok to post this, but really just wanted to say hi to you all and get to know you all, thank you so much 🙂 Mel


Hi ya my names Louise welcome to the site and happy baking xx


Hi welcome to the site – my name is Grace and I check out the questions and answers most days as I am fairly new to cake making as well and learn a lot from all the answers and also from Paul of course, Happy baking


Hi Melanie T

Welcome to the site, you’ll enjoy all the wonderful tutorials and learn so much. All the members are very friendly and helpful so don’t be afraid to ask away if you need advice or just reassurance. You’ll soon get to know us all.
Happy baking and decorating. x


Hi Melanie, welcome to the site, and I look forward to visiting your facebook page. I’m Sharon, and a hobby baker, mainly for friends and family


Hi, Melanie,
My name is Jackie and I just love the tutorials that Paul does he is a great teacher. I hope you enjoy the site and like Grace, I look at the Q&A most days. Madeitwithlove will become a favourite of yours as she answers most of the questions. I don’t know how she finds the time. I had a look at your cakes, very good.. I only make a couple of cakes a year for myself. Enjoy.


Hello everyone, its so nice to meet you all, and im looking forward to becoming part of your comunity and getting to know you more thanks for replying to my message, im so excited to be here and can’t wait to keep learning and baking 🙂 Im going to go ask a question now regarding stacking cakes hope somebody can help me thank you all so much talk to you all soon 🙂


Hey guys I tryed to ask my question but it said there was already the same question, it didn’t quite answer my question though so hope you guys look here:) When stacking cakes, I have to do a few this month and travel with them stacked down my country road, its a little bumpy I notice Paul uses his 9 dowel technique, but I have seen people dowel cakes then insert one right through the middle of all tiers once stacked, would that be more stable way of transporting a stacked cake? one will have pillars… and the other one will be 2 tier with a double barrel cake on top of it, any help would be much appreciated thank you so much 🙂

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