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asked June 20th 2013

HELP! Need to remove and rewrite greeting on iced board!! HOW ??

Urgent help needed!! I “volunteered” to make a desk cake for a friend for 2 colleagues who are leaving. Trouble is, I was told they were retiring and have put “On Your Retirement” onto the iced board. Turns out one of them is actually being made redundant!!! So, any ideas….
I used a writing impressions kit that made the letters indent into the icing and then went over it with “writing icing”…is there any way I could cut out the section with these words on and put a replacement section in?? I did the board icing the night before last so it is pretty dry now – will I be able to rub the joins together or how else do I disguise the cut out section !! The cake is all ready on the board so its not just a case of redoing it!!


Urgent help needed!! I “volunteered” to make a desk cake for a friend for 2 colleagues who are leaving. Trouble is, I was told they were retiring and have put “On Your Retirement” onto the iced board. Turns out one of them is actually being made redundant!!! So, any ideas….
I used a writing impressions kit that made the letters indent into the icing and then went over it with “writing icing”…is there any way I could cut out the section with these words on and put a replacement section in?? I did the board icing the night before last so it is pretty dry now – will I be able to rub the joins together or how else do I disguise the cut out section !! The cake is all ready on the board so its not just a case of redoing it!!


Oh no! How about making a new section to look a bit like a scroll that you can just put over the top? That way you don’t have to try to remove anything and risk lots more stuff going wrong. If it’s a deliberate looking piece on top of what’s there it won’t look ‘wrong’.


Hi therese1

You could make a banner with swags wide enough to lay over the writing instead of trying to cut out the section. It would look neater and appear more as part of the finishe decoration. Hope this makes sense. X


Hi folks, thanks for your responses and ideas. I had a bit of a night and a half trying various options but got there in the end!! I ended up cutting the board icing in a straight line above all of the writing and replacing it with white icing – so a bit like a poster – and then rewrote the words on there accordingly. At least with the two colours of board icing it looks deliberate and the “line” makes sense rather than a line randomly through all the one colour! Wish I could send a before and after to show you!! Relieved and rather chuffed!!

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