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asked October 15th 2013

Help on making a staircase

I have to make a staircase for an oil tank(small steps).i tried with chocolate.but it gets broken when I take it out.i tried searching online .i couldn’t get any help.the mould available online can be used for wedding cakes but not for these tanks
Kindly help.


I have to make a staircase for an oil tank(small steps).i tried with chocolate.but it gets broken when I take it out.i tried searching online .i couldn’t get any help.the mould available online can be used for wedding cakes but not for these tanks
Kindly help.


Hi Sandhysusanjohn

Please could you say which type of oil tanks you mean. I’m assuming it is oil refinery type, like big round vats?


Hi Sandhyasusanjohn

I’ve found this http://cakecentral.com/t/649713/stairs-can-you-make-them Could this be adapted? There are other ways but I haven’t been able to play with the idea.


Thank you. I tried with rice paper . It worked out..


That’s great thank you for feed back. x

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