Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 5th 2013

hollywood cake

A customer has asked for a quote for the cake in the link : http://michellecakes.co.uk/img/port/large/hollywood.jpg. My challenge is how to carve out the cake to have the stairs. I think the stage can be made out of gum paste made well ahead of time and left to dry firmly. All ideas/suggestions are welcome.
Many thanks


A customer has asked for a quote for the cake in the link : http://michellecakes.co.uk/img/port/large/hollywood.jpg. My challenge is how to carve out the cake to have the stairs. I think the stage can be made out of gum paste made well ahead of time and left to dry firmly. All ideas/suggestions are welcome.
Many thanks


Hi Abimbola

If you google ‘Film Star Cake’ you will see a whole 12 minute tutorial by MakeyourCakes and several other ‘how to’
guides. Hope this helps.


check out this link- i know yours is different but its the same general idea



Or you could do a cardboard template and just have a square cake with the template next to it – bit likes pauls roof in the house. Then cover both with fondant. x

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