Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked May 9th 2015


Hi. I’m interested in trying my version of Paul’s carousel cake and so a few questions:
What are the dimensions of the horses that he is using?
If I were to make an 8″ cake as opposed to the 10″ that he is using and assuming that I would be using 4 horses instead of the 5 that he is using, what would be a reasonable size for each horse?
I’m having a bit of a hard time finding cute horses. Any suggestions would be most welcome 🙂
Thank you so much for your help!


Hi. I’m interested in trying my version of Paul’s carousel cake and so a few questions:
What are the dimensions of the horses that he is using?
If I were to make an 8″ cake as opposed to the 10″ that he is using and assuming that I would be using 4 horses instead of the 5 that he is using, what would be a reasonable size for each horse?
I’m having a bit of a hard time finding cute horses. Any suggestions would be most welcome 🙂
Thank you so much for your help!


Hi franke

Paul is using the largest of the first impressions fantasy horse mould. These can be bought at the Cake decorating company Nottingham. The mould comes in smaller sizes as seen here for the mini ones:
Once you are in the cake decorating company site you can further search for fantasy horse moulds to see the other sizes. I would use the next size down from the one which Paul has used for an eight inch cake. Have a look and see whether you like it. Alternatively you can download pictures of cute horses, cut the images out of card and then use them as templates to make them out of gum paste. If you place a piece of sugarpaste in between two horses it will give a more three dimensional look. At this stage you could even in-fill the spaces and build a more solid horse. Paint it up and you have horse! Try it and see, this is exactly what I did with my first carousel cake which I made before Paul gave us the tutorial we have on site. If you google ‘how to make a gumpaste carousel horse’ you’ll see several tutorials, take a look at the one by Zoe’s Fantsy cakes. I expect you’ll find some more on youtube. I thought perhaps you might like this too:

Hope the above helps, good luck, happy horsey making! x
ps you could also make them out of rice krispy treats, cover them with a little marzipan and then sugarpaste then decorate.

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