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asked April 17th 2013

How far in advance can I bake & keep in fridge?

Hello my fellow bakers,
I’ve got my baby shower on the Sunday 28th in which I’m planning to make the ABC cake. I wanted to ask if it’s possible I bake on Friday the 19th & keep the cake in the fridge ( as I don’t like freezing) until I need to start cutting & ganaching etc… Would that be ok or too far in advance?
Thanks heaps


Hello my fellow bakers,
I’ve got my baby shower on the Sunday 28th in which I’m planning to make the ABC cake. I wanted to ask if it’s possible I bake on Friday the 19th & keep the cake in the fridge ( as I don’t like freezing) until I need to start cutting & ganaching etc… Would that be ok or too far in advance?
Thanks heaps


Hi meeraben

It really depends on the cake recipe you will be using. A sponge cake will become stale in the nine days from baking to decorating and eating. Madeira or some mud cakes will be ok. Keeping cake in the fridge will dry it out. I do think you are baking too far in advance, freezing is a good way of getting ahead plus adding moisture to your bake. Personally I wouldn’t do it, other members may have different ideas. Hope this helps.


Thanks for that madeiteithlove, I’m making Paul’s moist chocolate cake
But will wait closer to the date instead then. 🙂


Paul’s moist chocolate cake, as advised by David Brice, has shelf life of 5 days, however, he does also say that you can extend that by a couple of days by adding a little glycerine to the batter. The cake freezes really well in case you change your mind. Hope all goes well. x

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