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how long will a cake keep when covered in sugarpaste
I have to bake a birthday cake and I need to know how long a cake will keep if covered in sugarpaste
I have to bake a birthday cake and I need to know how long a cake will keep if covered in sugarpaste
Hi shaz20
It depends on what type of caking you’re baking. A sponge cake has a shelf life on 5 days, Paul’s moist chocolate cake also five days but it does last several days more, the mud cake in this blog http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-make-chocolate-mud-cake has longer shelf life and madeira cake two weeks from baking and decorating to eating. You can extend the shelf life by a couple of days more by making simple syrup with equal quantities water or juice and sugar boiled for a minute. Cool the syrup and brush on warm cake layers. Layers must be completely cool before filling and decorating.