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asked December 6th 2012

How long will cupcakes keep

Hi everyone, I have been asked to make cupcakes for a 60th birthday for the sunday 23rd December but the latest I can make them is thursday the 20th December. Will they still be ok with the buttercream on ?
Any advice would be appreciated.


Hi everyone, I have been asked to make cupcakes for a 60th birthday for the sunday 23rd December but the latest I can make them is thursday the 20th December. Will they still be ok with the buttercream on ?
Any advice would be appreciated.


Hi Dreamtimecakes

Cupcakes are at their best on the day they’re baked but are still fine the next day. I find they start to dry out by the third day but still perfectly edible. You can keep them moist by brushing them with a little simple syrup which is made by boiling up equal quantities of sugar and water. Cool the syrup, make a few holes in the CC with a cocktail stick and brush a little of the syrup before decorating.


Thanks, I will do that 🙂

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