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asked July 6th 2013

how long will my cake keep after ganache and icing

I have successfully baked my first “Paul’s moist chocolate cake” and to my surprise its come out exactly as it should. We have tasted a little bit and it tastes great. I want to use this to make one of Paul’s handbag cakes, I have frozen it and will only have time to ganache and then ice it on Monday evening, but will not cut the cake until Friday. Will this be ok or will it be stale by Friday. Great website by the way. Thanks


I have successfully baked my first “Paul’s moist chocolate cake” and to my surprise its come out exactly as it should. We have tasted a little bit and it tastes great. I want to use this to make one of Paul’s handbag cakes, I have frozen it and will only have time to ganache and then ice it on Monday evening, but will not cut the cake until Friday. Will this be ok or will it be stale by Friday. Great website by the way. Thanks


Hi norfolk

Yes that will be fine. Paul’s cake has a shelf life of 5 days but it lasts longer than that. I’ve baked it several times and it seems to get better for keeping, it certainly will not be stale by Friday. Some where on the site there is a comment from one member who was eating her cake ten days later, mine could never last that long, no will power!! Enjoy your cake.


Thank you once again, will give it a go then on Monday. Its the first big cake ive made as I usually only make cupcakes, Many thanks


Well doe by the way for baking the cake. It’s really lovely, I will baking one tomorrow, can’t wait! Good luck with the icing, I would knead up your sugar paste the day before as it’s so humid, it’ll help it to be less sticky and stretchy.


Many thanks, will knead up the icing today, never thought of that. fingers crossed.

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