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asked January 18th 2013

how many will a 10″ round cake tin feed

hi i may be doing a wedding cake was wondering how many people will a 10″ round cake tin feed or a 8″ tin please x they only want 1 round cake on a drum but to feed 60 – 70 people xx


hi i may be doing a wedding cake was wondering how many people will a 10″ round cake tin feed or a 8″ tin please x they only want 1 round cake on a drum but to feed 60 – 70 people xx


Hi Annabel

This chart http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-decide-on-the-cake-portions will help you with cake portions. The chart has portion sizes for the different tins, what size cake to cut for sponge or fruit cake.

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