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asked January 27th 2016

How much Sugarpaste for Cakes?


Not sure if you have already discussed this but how do I calculate how much sugarpaste is needed for a cake. I have seen the Ready Calculators but I am not sure of the weights of the chocolate cakes. I am interested in:
12″, 8″ and 5″ Round Cakes which will each be 6″ in height once they have been sugarpasted.



Not sure if you have already discussed this but how do I calculate how much sugarpaste is needed for a cake. I have seen the Ready Calculators but I am not sure of the weights of the chocolate cakes. I am interested in:
12″, 8″ and 5″ Round Cakes which will each be 6″ in height once they have been sugarpasted.


Hello Sky Cakes

You will need for the size and height as per your question:
5 inch = 700 g
8 inch = 1 275 g
12 inch = 2.1 k

Total is approx 4.2 k because it depends on which brand of icing you are using, how much filling there will be in your layers. This amount is calculated using Renshaws regal ice rolled out to a thickness of 5mm.

These are all approximate weights. There will probably be some left over which can be either wrapped up and used on another project or used up for covering cake boards.
Hope this helps.

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