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asked April 14th 2014

how to achieve bright purple florist paste

The shade I am trying to get in Cadbury foil purple.
I have bought Violet, deep purple, grape purple, but can’t achieve the correct shade, I have used them on their own and mixed some of each, but can’t seem to get the shade I want. Just wondering if I should be adding something different.
Can anyone help ?
Was there a colour chart somewhere ?


The shade I am trying to get in Cadbury foil purple.
I have bought Violet, deep purple, grape purple, but can’t achieve the correct shade, I have used them on their own and mixed some of each, but can’t seem to get the shade I want. Just wondering if I should be adding something different.
Can anyone help ?
Was there a colour chart somewhere ?


Hi jackieharris

These answers seem pretty good https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090404081831AAzO9Ik
I haven’t tried them but they seem feasible. Will have a play with them in the morning.


Hi Jackieharris

Purple is made by mixing blue and red so to get a bluish purple use more blue than red (like the Cadbury). If it is not dark enough then add a little black. Happy mixing.


thanks I will give it a go at the weekend.
Do you know if there is a colour chart somewhere? I am sure I have seen it.

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