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asked March 27th 2013

How to ganache a square cake

Hello. Need help again! I’m sure I’ve seen a tutorial in which Paul demonstrates how to ganache a square cake but I can’t seem to find it any ideas. I’m getting fairly good at round cakes but still can’t get smooth corners any advice please


Hello. Need help again! I’m sure I’ve seen a tutorial in which Paul demonstrates how to ganache a square cake but I can’t seem to find it any ideas. I’m getting fairly good at round cakes but still can’t get smooth corners any advice please


Hi ctennant

There are two tutorials which will help you. In the free/beginners section Paul buttercreams a square cake which isn’t too far removed from the ganache technique. the Jimmy Choo shoe box is rectangular and will show you how to ganache the sides and top to get sharp lines. Both the tutorials will give you a good idea how to ganache
your cake. I hope this helps.

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