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Icing and filling ginger cake
I wondered if vanilla buttercream would go well with ginger cake and if not, what would? Can I use buttercream to crumb coat for sugarpaste?
I wondered if vanilla buttercream would go well with ginger cake and if not, what would? Can I use buttercream to crumb coat for sugarpaste?
Vanilla bean buttercream will go very well with ginger cake. A few others flavours to try:
lemon, orange, lime, vanilla and ginger stem and ready made christmas cake spices. I’ve also used raspberry flavour from Nutra fruit freeze dried raspberry powder. I’m sure members will share more flavours.
Vanilla butter cream will go well
The last ginger cake I made I filled with cream cheese frosting and it was delicious x Im only a hobby baker but hubby and daughter both loved it.
Thanks jb1958 for commenting! I will need to try this one out too! 🙂 x