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asked August 9th 2012

icing colour

very strange thing happened to me today, made and decorated a beautiful barbie cake,  she had a white skirt and pink trimmings.  By the time I got to the party the pink had completely faded to white!!!  I am not kidding, the purple icing was still purple??? C ant understand what happened.  Has this ever happened to anyone else?  I coloured the icing with wilton pink gel and it was very hot today ??


very strange thing happened to me today, made and decorated a beautiful barbie cake,  she had a white skirt and pink trimmings.  By the time I got to the party the pink had completely faded to white!!!  I am not kidding, the purple icing was still purple??? C ant understand what happened.  Has this ever happened to anyone else?  I coloured the icing with wilton pink gel and it was very hot today ??


Hi loufairy

For some reason pink colour gels do tend to fade in heat and humidity. Did you use hot pink? this one seems to be more prone to fading. It may be to do with the how the colours are combined to make pinks which prevents the colour developing in certain temperature conditions.  This is an interesting topic and worth investigating!  xx


Hi loufairy

I once had something coloured lilac fade to blue.  This could have been it losing the red/pink in it.  It didn’t happen as quick as yours though.



Ive noticed that when near direct light and it’s hot that colour fades. Lilac goes light blue and pale pink goes very light. The only way to prevent I’ve found is to out it in a cake box or keep it in a dark plac and away from a window


what about if you spray it with glaze, would that not stop the colour fading


thanks everyone for your answers, I will keep any pink cake in a box in future!  MIWL, it was pale pink gel, wilton, was a beautiful pink too…..the little girl still loved her cake though so thats all that matters 🙂 x


My pink which went funny was Wilton Rosa. It makes a lovely hot pink but it did fade, but I still use it to colour fondant. Glad you got sorted. xx

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