Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked December 31st 2015

Icing Sheet or Rice Paper.

I am in the process of purchasing a printer however what is best to print images or logos on to – i.e. Icing Sheet or Rice Paper?


I am in the process of purchasing a printer however what is best to print images or logos on to – i.e. Icing Sheet or Rice Paper?


Hi Sky Cakes

I use my printer for both mediums. It’s really great, you can download all sorts of images for decorating cookies, cupcakes and tiered cakes. The rice paper takes colour very well, just play with it and see what you get!
Icing sheets work best for bigger projects where as rice paper, because it is fragile can become damaged quickly by moisture works better for smaller projects. That’s what I find at the moment as I’m still experimenting with my printer. I would say keep both in your decorating kit and experiment!
Google ‘how to use edible ink printer with wafer/rice paper’ for lots more information.
Hope this helps.

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