Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 30th 2013

Individual Cakes. Tall about 3 or 4 inches in diameter.

Can anyone suggest where to buy these tins. I have seen lots of cakes decorated in this size, but can’t seem to see any online. I only want to make a few at time. Thanks


Can anyone suggest where to buy these tins. I have seen lots of cakes decorated in this size, but can’t seem to see any online. I only want to make a few at time. Thanks


Hi Jackie

You can get mini baking pans from Alan Silverwood, either google the site directly or search for the pans on other sites where they may be slightly cheaper. If you want them, make sure they come with the recipe and temperature guide, mine came without. The Silverwood site did have some recipes when I last looked. Alternatively you can bake a large cake and use a 5cm round cutter, 5cm deep and cut out layers from that.
Another option is to use baked bean cans or any other can with a non plastic coating to bake in. It’s easy, all you do is make sure the cans are clean and dry, liberally grease and flour and put your mixture in. If you google ‘how to bake mini cakes in tin cans’ you’ll see lots of recipes and the temperature to bake at. I’ve done it so I know it works. I find for small amounts, cupcake recipes are really useful. Post with your results, love to know how you get on. x


Are you searching for this: http://www.sugarshack.co.uk/pme-round-cake-tins.html ?


Hi. I tend to use stainless steel presentation rings from Lakeland (the type chefs use to layer up rice, vegetables etc)


Thanks again for your help. Will probably get the ones from lakeland as don’t want to spend a lot as it is only experimental at the moment and the lakeland ones look like a good buy for the moment.
Blueberrycakes – how long would you recommend I bake a maderia or eg Mrs Jones cup cake mixture for in these rings and what temp? thanks


Hi, I’ve also bought individual pork pie tins, which work really well too


Hi I got mine off e bay


Hi Jackie

This might help http://www.nationalbakingweek.co.uk/recipe/mini-lemon-madeira-loaves. The link suggests a baking time time of 25 – 30 minutes which is what I would bake madeira for in a mini cake tin. Baking temperatures don’t change, just the length of baking.

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